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Minecraft World Tour

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Tags // minecraft, world, creative, gaming

TL;DR // My kids have been running a Minecraft server for a few years. This is a tour of some of the things we've built and places we've been.

A few years ago, my son created a new Minecraft world using the free Aternos service. This let him play in the world together with friends at any time, and nobody had to figure out how to install and run a Minecraft server on their own.

The world has been running for a few years now and we've created lots and lots of things while exploring.

This page is a tour of the world, with some of the things we've built.

The map

The map below shows many of the visited areas (but not even close to all of them). Zoom in and out, and pan around to explore. Click the button below the map to turn the overlays on and off.

Map showing most of the visited areas of the Minecraft world
The Farm Retirement Village Desert Village Diamond Village Abandoned Village Acacia Village Jungle Retreat Hole Village Downtown City Grid Old Hibi Mooster Island Max Island Hill Village Fisher Village Wheat Village The End Golem Village

Click and drag to pan. To Zoom, hold down the SHIFT key and scroll or pinch and zoom.

Map Overlay Legend

The Core

Mooster Island

I was given a small chunk of land just south of the main village ("Old Hibi") where everyone was building.

For no good reason, I named it "Mooster Island" and over the span of a year proceeded to fill it with a dense assortments of buildings, including my Chunk Tower.


My son's playground for testing various building styles and details.

City Grid

Just south of the City Grid we have a collection of "battle arenas" which are 1v1 games.

Old Hibi

The main city, the starting point, and almost the coordinates 0, 0 of the entire server.

This is where everyone started building from. For the longest time this was the home base for everyone (until they started moving off and creating their own individual bases elsewhere on the server).

The is also where you find the primary portal to the Nether.

Villages and cities

Abandoned Village

Abandoned because... I discovered this one before I learned that mobs spawn in villages at night. I accidentally caused all the villagers to get killed and then wondered why they didn't respawn. Oops...

Acacia Village

Desert Village

Diamond Village

Hole Village

Jungle Retreat

Max Island

Retirement Village

Wheat Village

// ka

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