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Making a Minecraft Chunk Tower Part 3

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Tags // minecraft, chunk, building, gaming

TL;DR // We're going to build a 16×16 block Minecraft tower where each floor generates different resources. This is part 3. See part 1 and part 2.

Where did we leave off?

In part 1 we talked about the base we were going to make, limited to a maximum 16 block width and height. We planned 2 floors: the wheat farm, and the storage room.

In part 2 we planned two more floors: the wool farm and the trading floor. We also listed all the floors we'd build in the tower.

Finally, we're going to show what we built.

What did we build so far?

The wheat and cow floor: 136 wheat, ~6 cows

The storage room: 64 single chests, 60 double chests, 30 barrels

The wool farm: 10 sheep with automatic shearing

The villagers trading hall: 23 villagers, each in their own stall

Each floor in the tower

So we built the tower with a bunch of floors. Here's what we built (click the buttons below to show each floor, or click the space in the tower to see that floor's plan).

Chunk Tower video tour

Download the Chunk Tower

Want to take a look yourself?

If you use Worldedit (Curseforge mod | documentation) you can download the .schem file and paste it into your world.

Download Chunk Tower as a WorldEdit .schem file (47 kb)

Or, you can just download a flat world with the tower already built.

Download Chunk Tower as a Minecraft 1.19.4 world (2.0 mb)

Chunk Tower on "Mooster Island"

Here are a few shots of the Chunk Tower on our server. Lots of other things have been built up and attached to the tower, but the original 16×16 tower is still there.

Chunk Tower, viewed from east

Chunk Tower, viewed from north

Chunk Tower, viewed from west

Chunk Tower, viewed from south

Chunk Tower is located on Mooster Island

Was it worth it?

Absolutely! Why? Because being forced to build with limitations leads to solutions you wouldn't have thought of otherwise. The end result here isn't anywhere close to perfect, but it does the job and gives me ideas for whenever I decide to make version 2.

Long live Chunk Tower. :)

// ka

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