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Making a Minecraft Chunk Tower Part 2

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Tags // minecraft, chunk, building, gaming

TL;DR // We're going to build a 16×16 block Minecraft tower where each floor generates different resources. This is part 2. See part 1 and part 3.

Where did we leave off?

In part 1 we talked about the base we were going to make. It's going to be a tower, with a maximum width and height of 16 blocks. We started by planning out a simple floor for wheat and cows, as well as a storage room floor for all the resources the tower will generate.

Also remember that each floor will have a hole in the bottom-right corner. This will be used for dropping resources down to the storage floor.

The wool farm floor

Wool farm floor: This simple wool farm has 10 sheep, which is enough to generate a lot of wool quickly. Once sheared, the wool is automatically taken by minecart and dropped into the hole at the bottom right of the floor plan. This drops all the way down to the storage room at the bottom.

One last example: the trading hall

Villager trading hall floor: There were a few layouts tried before we ended up on this one. We need to keep each villager in a 1×1 space so they can't move around. This layout gives us 23 different villagers.

Tower floors

This is what we planned to build for the tower:

Floor Purpose Description
1 Storage / chests Storage chests, benches, etc.
2 Trading hall Villager stalls for trading enchanted books, gems, etc.
3 Trees An open space for growing trees.
4 Wheat Wheat and cows
5 Wool An automated wool farm
6 Honey Au automated honey farm
7 Sugarcane An automated sugarcane farm

But we forgot some important things... like furnaces, and a place to get XP. So we'll need to add those in. We'll dig down and make them in the "basement".

Floor Purpose Description
B1 Cactus farm Generates material for XP farming
B2 Furnaces For smelting items passed from the storage floor
B3 Bamboo farm For fueling the furnaces

And... we'll finish this in Part 3

In the final part, we'll see the final tower with interior and exterior images.

Continue to Part 3 ยป

// ka

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